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ICM Student Cabinet system - from October 2018

International Credit Mobility (ICM) between Sumy State University (SSU) and IADT
Student cabinet system 13th October 2018 to 20th October 2018.

This was an initial ICM scoping visit, to conduct some preliminary training and to scope out the concept and possible dates for our cabinet project.

-Sunday 141010 SSU QA Vice Rector presents cabinet system student surveys…
-161018 – DQ meet with SSU Rector

-161018 – SSU cabinet development team presentation – Vladislav etc
-161018 – SSU e-learning platforms development team (Yuri Zuban)
-171018 – meet with SSU cabinet team and student cabinet user group
-171018 – DQ lecture/presentation on ‘Life Cycle of Academic Programmes’
-181018 – Yuri Zuban – visit to SSU e-learning centre

-181018 – meet with SSU Journalism (ICM – DESTIN inter-project coaching)
-181018 – visit SSU Journalism Faculty
-181018 – planning ICM mobilities with International Office
-191018 – SSU International Day. DQ lead presentation ‘Internationalisation in Irish HEIs’

-191018 planning ICM mobilities with International Office

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